ICASEA invites you to the ebon Subtemple of The Wyrding Module for a 43 minute sono-thaumaturgic ritual. A potent psychotropic miasma of stygian drones, hypnotic rhythms and eldritch sonic matter summoned from the nighted gulfs of the outer void..
Casette is available from ICASEA bandcamp or Norman Records.
Digital versions are available on the bandcamp site.
The Casette is limited to 50 copies.
Limited Edition T-Shirt and Digital EP Set.
4 Tracks from Scald Rougish, aka Chris Douglas (OST, Dalglish)
To purchase the BNS digital ep separately from this set, please go to amhain.bandcamp.com to purchase direct from the artist.
T-Shirt Designed by Satoshi Aizawa.
Back in 1963 when synthesizers and electronic music were strictly the refuge of academic professors, Morton Subotnick played Don Buchla's Music Box on his experimental album 'Silver Apples Of The Moon', and put electronic music firmly in the imagination of the public. The grandfather of electronic music and his non-traditional approach to pitch and timbre has been influencing sound design and installations ever since.
Born 1974 in Edinburgh. Chris Douglas – aka O.S.T. / Rook Vallard / Dalglish grew up in San Francisco and began studying piano at age 8. Released first EP on Detroit based Switch Records in 1992. Founded Qlipothic Records in 1996. He has created a large body of work, a highly textured and confrontational take on traditional forms of electronic dance music.
With initial releases and early formative years spent in Detroit and San Francisco, he acquired several high profile fans such as Autechre who had him support their 2001 ‘Confield’ tour of North America, then later brought him to Europe to play their curated ATP festival, where he has remained since.
The digital only version of ‘Benacah Drann Deachd’, his latest release has been receiving some of his most eager reception to date, with a full page review in the June issue of the Wire:
“Chris Douglas haunts his own music. A nomad and something of a loner, he has rattled around the electronic music network like a busted component for the last decade and a half [...] It’s appropriate, because his music is one of the most striking evocations of the life of the mind that you’re ever likely to hear. The music is substantially live, improvised within a loose framework, and the shifting layers of grey-green tone, fractured samples and nervous tics that whip around the stereo field obsessively tease out new geometries and shapes ..” Derek Walmsley, The Wire
ICASEA was established in 2008 by Satoshi Aizawa, Tom Knapp and Alex Peverett as a platform for physical and digital domain releases from sound artists and electronic musicians working in various locations across the globe. This scrapbook blog documents a range of the artists interests. For information regarding ICASEA label news, artist profiles, releases, shows and other projects please visit the official ICASEA website.
ICASEA est une plate-forme fondée en 2008 par Satoshi Aizawa, Tom Knapp et Alex Peverett, afin de proposer des oeuvres physiques et digitales d'artistes sonores et musiciens éléctroniques oeuvrant dans différents endroits du globe. Ce blog/bloc notes, alimenté par les artistes du label, a pour vocation de documenter leurs différents centres d'intérêts. Veuillez visiter le site officiel d'ICASEA afin d'être informé de l'actualité du label.